Tag Archives: light

The Written Prayer: Day 2, Sanctuary and Light

Awakening this morning one of my favorite praise and worship songs filled my head. You probably have had similar experiences when a lyric or melody or both get stuck refusing to depart. Sometimes this is a pleasant occurrence while others are just plain annoying. Today I am happy to say was the former. The song? Sanctuary. Perhaps you know the chorus…admittedly that is all I know. There are verses, but I have no recollection of them.

Lord, Prepare me to be a Sanctuary
Pure and Holy, tried and true
With Thanksgiving I’ll be a living
Sanctuary for You.

Yesterday, I shared my thoughts on written prayers. Both praying already written prayers and also writing down my own prayers as I pray. Worry not! I do not intend to take out pen and paper while I am driving, which I find to be a prime time in my life for prayer. I am hoping to expand my prayer life with this intentional act during my quiet time with the Lord. With ‘Sanctuary’ brain streaming, a written prayer set to music, and a mighty prayer from The Book of Common Prayer, I enter into the presence of the Lord with these words, some mine, some others’

Lord God Almighty, I open the doors of my inner most being, a place that is often dark, hidden from view, a place I do not like to dwell in out of shame or fear. Nothing is hidden from you, but still I vainly attempt or stubbornly refuse to allow your Spirit access. Lord, with the song running through my head I knew you were calling me yet again to clean out yet another cubby hole of sin in me…Lord, there are so many…, so that indeed I could become a Sanctuary, a person to whom others could come and receive grace, communion, and peace. Father, let me bask in the light of your forgiveness and love, soak it up, and then squeeze it out in like measure to others. I praise you that I am ‘fearfully and wonderfully’ made, that I am accepted, and that You have a plan for my life. Let me see those very attributes in others, especially those I have the least propensity to follow through with. Sweep me clean, ‘come and scatter the darkness’, letting the light of your presence draw others to your sanctuaries and Lord, prepare me to be one. Prepare my heart now to bring to you intercessions for others. Teach me how to pray for each one by the light of your presence. Amen.

Grace for Broken Places


This world it is a broken place
Shattered shards devoid of grace
Centuries of human fix me ups
Yet here we are with our empty cups.

In the shadows of this broken place
Splinters of light leave their trace
No quick fixes, no bandaid cure
light that chooses to endure.

Light reflected in a child’s face
Rainbows through tears light displaced
Light within the shattered shards
That a broken world discards

Creation’s vastness, the depths of space
dots of light splash the night like crystal lace
All creation bound to be
one of three

Reflected light like moons and planets,
Bearers of light like sun and stars,

Carriers of light to each dark place
Bear cups of water share the grace
This world it is a broken place
Let us make it full  of grace
Carry healing  not just fix me ups
By His strength fill the empty cups.