Breakfast, Barfing, and Blessings

imageI sometimes find human relationship advice in scriptural passages about my relationship with God.

At the community breakfast this morning, my brother Tom became nauseous suddenly and upchucked on himself and those around him. He was wobbly, embarrassed and while Terry, I and others in the community cleaned up, he left the room. Because I am still not the person I want to be, I had to stamp down irritation at him, but as I cleaned, my heart softened. Not only that but it released my brain to think.

I remembered that before his major stroke, he had also experienced explosive vomiting. Immediately, I asked Terry to go check on him in the Men’s room to see if he had any signs of a stroke. In case you don’t know these:

The National Stroke Association says you can use the acronym FAST:
Face – Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?
Arms – Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
Speech – Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is their speech slurred or strange?
Time – If you observe any of these signs, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Terry was able to determine that presently he had no problems, so after our clean up detail, we brought him back home to rest. I checked his blood pressure and it was fine. So now we are just observing to make sure he is indeed ok.

Once home, Tom resting, I sat down here and read the verses above.

When something like what happened this morning catches me off guard, especially something that happens in public settings, my reaction runs the gamut from concern to disgust to even anger. While I may do the right things, even say the right things, I am often seething with humiliation. It is then that I listened as God gently reminded me that I have been given a special blessing to be able to care for my brother. I have the health and so far mental capabilities and a husband who helps to provide a safe place for Tom. . .and for the most part Tom is helpful, easy to care for and live around.

So what does this scripture teach me that will help me in my relationship with Terry, Tom, and others:

Actively listen to not only what is said but to the deeper context and savor it.

Be slow to anger, I find saying The Lord’s Prayer silently gives me enough time to process and involves God in that process.

Love others as I myself am loved

Stop worrying about what others think and LIVE a truly FREE life…truly Happy life.

Maybe in my seventh decade I will finally GET OVER MYSELF and LIVE!image

2 thoughts on “Breakfast, Barfing, and Blessings

  1. Julia Richards

    Wow….all those feelings!… must be a human being!
    Ron said he threw up again while walking the dog. Hope it’s not the flu!



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